The spiritual journey is a popular trail today. Everyone is on their spiritual journey and I include myself in this adventure.
There is often a missing link, however, which I come across often. We attempt the movement towards faith, awakening and virtue, without due attention to the self who is attempting these things.
It can be like asking a child to sort out climate change.
Our self matters; it effects our journey. A sick self finding faith will soon have a sick faith. This will always be so, which is why there are levels of Christianity, of authenticity.
There are levels of Christianity not because some people know more theology or read their bible more often or fast a great deal or say mass once a day.
There are levels of Christianity because the quality of faith is determined by the quality of inner attention on the self being asked to undertake this journey.
It is like when we go shopping. Strangely, it’s not all about the shopping. We need also to pay attention to the bag that carries the shopping. Ignore the bag and one day it will split and the shopping will be ruined. The bag holds and looks after the shopping.
In the same way, we hold and look after our spiritual journey; or God is ruined.
So, in this journey, we need to listen to ourselves, experience ourselves – when we generally prefer distraction. We need to discover the hidden patterns and assumptions which comprise us; the psychological defences and lies which quietly pull our strings. And we don’t do this in self-judgement, for that discovers nothing that is true. No, we do it with compassion and curiosity…and with joy, as one who opens a treasure trove.
In the spiritual journey, more important than experiencing God is experiencing our selves. More important than words about God is listening to ourselves; for it is our selves who must carry this story; we are the soil in which everything must grow.
Here is the dare of honest and compassionate inner attention: why do I do what I do and feel what I feel and think what I think?
And what can I now let go of?
Here is the start of the authentic spiritual journey.