We speak so often of ‘wellbeing’ these days, the word has become like wallpaper – too familiar to mean anything.
So what does wellbeing mean for me? And how can I be well when so much around me is unwell? Climate crisis. Inflation. War in Europe. Public services in decline. Injustice. Inadequate and self-serving politicians. You could add to the list.
This retreat will give kind space for us to reflect on what personal wellbeing might look and feel like in our troubled circumstances.
• A foolish pipe dream?
• A navel-gazing indulgence?
• Or the greatest gift we can offer the world?
We’ll not give up on the world; and we won’t give up on ourselves.
Away from the sessions, it is a silent retreat. But there will be the chance to meet with Simon one-to-one should you wish.