18 Aug 2025 – 22 Aug 2025 | Sheldon Retreat Centre, EX6 7YT

The learning of love

The learning of love

Love. You never quite know where you’re going to find it. Or, indeed, lose it.

The Beatles say it’s all you need and St Paul agrees, declaring it the greatest of virtues. Though others dismiss it as little more than a tired cliché, an unusable word; and others still, the worst lie ever told.

On this retreat, we ponder the nature of love and its transactions in our fragile lives and fragile world.

How do I receive it? How can I offer it?

Simone Weil called love ‘the accurate assessment of need’. While John’s gospel declares its fullest expression is in laying down your life for your friends.

You will have your own sense of this mystery, shaped by your experiences on earth.

Maybe we are all beginners in the learning of love.

This is a silent retreat with daily addresses, plus the option of joining the community’s daily prayers.

Simon will have some 1:1 slots available should you wish to meet with him.