7 Sep 2023 – 14 Sep 2023 | Sheldon Centre, EX6 7YT

Wellbeing… when nothing is well

Wellbeing... when nothing is well

The word ‘meditation’ can be confusing because everyone has a different definition. As with the word ‘sport’, it describes varied activities.

My definition is this: ‘Meditation is putting your mind to work for your psychological and spiritual well-being.’ And it’s the one-minute possibilities I offer here. You’re on the train, taking a coffee break or sitting relaxed after a bath: so why not take a minute to care for yourself, to pause, read and live?

It makes sense. We set aside time to clean our teeth every day, so why not do the same with meditation? Our minds and hearts matter more than our teeth; they define who we are and the course and quality of our lives. We’d be mad not to care for them, surely?

There are around 150 meditations offered here, each a small revolution of insight and hope. Some will soothe, some might disturb, others encourage… hopefully all give birth inside you to such virtues as resilience, honesty, compassion, vitality, freedom, kindness, courage, clarity and the ability to be present in this difficult and wonderful world.

This brief minute may not appear to change the world; but it will change your moment… and that will change the world.