Healing. What is it?

Healing is love’s discovery in a damaged world.

It could be the easing of pain, a dislocation set right, a mending medicine.

It could be the strange arrival of hope, courage or clarity; perhaps a surprising sense of peace.

It could be letting go of a past that still punishes; there’s a healing.

It could be knowing yourself seen, heard and valued; your voice given worth.

It could be a place of greater safety – physical, financial or psychological; an easing of the fear, the terror.

It could be a kind word or a new hip; a cancer quietened or regrets dissolved.

It could be a flood of gratitude or life-stopping awe.

It could be children playing; or a burden put down, a load removed and the ease that follows, the lighter steps on earth.

It could be a beautiful room; a bonfire in winter; a healed bone; fish and chips on a bench by the sea; the comedy of trust… an apology offered.

And sometimes the scream is calmed; the difficult decision taken and the path to freedom begun.

Healing is love’s discovery in a damaged world, when joy is a struggle; and our world, our selves, reduced, made small by pain.

Love’s discovery – this knock on our door, this mysterious visitation – when we’re discovered by love.

This is healing for now.