Orchestral manoeuvres in the light

To be human is to be an orchestra.

And our intent is to make fine music in our ‘one precious life’.

Whatever our situation, and they do vary, that is our wish at the start of the day.

‘Let our music be good.’

Though our assembled musicians are variously helpful.

They have not been carefully chosen; in fact, none are chosen; but all get to play.

Some are naturally skilful; some do their limited best; while others have little interest in music, fine or otherwise. They’re just there, doing their own thing, making a noise, often hurting the sound.

Yours is an orchestra of moods.  

Some solos are beautiful and full of joy; others are something else, an assault on the senses.

You know the difference.

It is the conductor who brings harmony; the conductor who calls for order, speaks with the musicians, defines roles, declares who is to play and when.

The conductor understands the musicians but is separate to them. They won’t be taken in by loud protestations.

‘It’s my turn to make a noise!’

‘No, it’s not your turn. You ruin – you don’t create.’

In the middle of the day, when our music is poor, and a heaviness holds us, we take ten deep breaths, in search of our inner conductor.

They can handle this.

Listening to the performers…encouraging some, letting others go.

Here’s to your orchestra today…and the beautiful music it plays.