June 9, 2020 The stupid forest How we leave this place, the brutalised discourse, I don’t know Though I do know it makes us stupid; scarce …
June 2, 2020 And you have to grow joy These politicians lie And you have to grow joy They smile and they lie And you have to grow joy …
June 1, 2020 Another Bloody Retreat Reviewing ‘Another Bloody Retreat’ in the Church Times, the writer Fiona Hook writes: ‘Fans of Abbot Peter who pick up …
May 27, 2020 Why anxiety’s days are numbered Anxiety cannot be banished; it has the keys to our house. But we need not offer it cakes and a …
May 25, 2020 Julian of Norwich re-visited I was recently asked to contribute a short piece to a book about the meaning of Julian of Norwich today. …
May 21, 2020 A return to Eden I spoke with a headteacher, struggling in lock down. As new and often contradictory government directives arrive daily, he finds …
May 18, 2020 Trump, Johnson and the truth mirror The 2nd series of Dad’s Army was different from the 1st; the writers changed their approach to Sergeant Wilson. After …
May 14, 2020 My magnificent compendium of lock down glory! So as lock down eases (for now) what is it that we have discovered, that we don’t wish to lose …
May 8, 2020 Reflections on ‘The Guest House’ Today I offer reflections on the poem ‘The Guest House’ by Rumi. The Guest House This being human is a …