April 20, 2023 A letter to hope Hope, we knew each other once, you can’t deny Well, it was you who started it! How you crept up …
April 17, 2023 Welcome to your existence Welcome to your existence To the truth that you are alive, to breath passing through you, like a stream through …
April 11, 2023 Why anxiety’s days are numbered Anxiety cannot be banished; it has the keys to our house. But we need not offer it cakes and a …
April 8, 2023 Easter morning, Jesus and the fire An extract from my novel, ‘Gospel - Rumours of Love’. Yeshua is Jesus, Rocky is Peter. This is Yeshua’s telling …
April 3, 2023 Growing old You called them your autumn years A changing scene, the leaves once green are different – a different colour now …
March 29, 2023 The Constant Gardener In John le Carre’s powerful story, The Constant Gardener the lead character is a diplomat who is a keen flower-and-shrub …
March 22, 2023 Hopeful Imagination In 587 BC, the Babylonians assaulted Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. For the Israelites, it was the end of the …
March 13, 2023 Mrs Johnson’s nose ‘It only happened once,’ interjected Fiona Bruce on Question Time, as they discussed Boris Johnson putting his father Stanley forward …
March 7, 2023 Goodbye The only power you have Is the power that I give you And I give it no more I am …