October 6, 2021 Not relaxing by the pool RELAXING by the pool is not as easy as it sounds. First, there are the ‘towel wars’; and then the …
October 1, 2021 How to listen As well as being my son’s birthday, Sunday October 10th World Mental Health Day 2021. In response to the latter, …
September 30, 2021 World Mental Health Day 2021 – bothered? Sunday October 10th is World Mental Health Day and why should I be bothered? Because it could be the start …
September 27, 2021 Will the messiah arrive today?! The cleaner had finished her work just in time; the venue made clean and lovely for a much-talked about Saturday …
September 22, 2021 Space is not just for astronauts and billionaires Conan Doyle is remembered as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, the most popular detective ever. That’s success in anyone’s book, …
September 20, 2021 Apples Today, I picked some apples from a small and buckled tree I planted two years ago. I thought it was …
September 6, 2021 Between stimulus and response And can it be true what they say? Can it be true that the only time we are free is …
September 1, 2021 Catastrophising. I fear the worst! I have a terrible headache and suddenly start worrying that I have a brain tumour. My daughter is a few …
August 23, 2021 Winchester Cathedral It’s in the crypt of the cathedral that I understand. As the notice explains, the crypt floods during rainy months, …