August 13, 2020 Why my personality is like the Tory government…oh shit The human personality is a prolific liar and an incompetent manager of life - which is why it so reminds …
August 10, 2020 Please avoid a positive self-image It is helpful if you do not have an image of yourself, positive or negative. An image of our selves …
August 6, 2020 The most brilliant acorn story The human personality, a construct of our early-years development, is sometimes compared to an acorn. It can be a shiny …
August 4, 2020 Behind the scenery, my fantasy’s end So after the show, I decide to go behind the scenery, to go back stage. I’ve marvelled at the performance, …
July 27, 2020 Are you the sensitive type? I’d like to ponder the word ‘sensitive’; it may need reclaiming Sometimes an individual is called sensitive because they take …
July 27, 2020 The pub bores So I was sitting in the pub with my friends and telling a story; and it turned out to be …
July 21, 2020 Keep the plinth free We’ll leave the plinth free, in Bristol and elsewhere We’ll leave our plinths free of the half-healthy, of flawed fame …
July 17, 2020 The what, how and why of it all There are many ways to reflect on our lives. One way is the what, the how and the why of …
July 15, 2020 Waking up crazy, in a good way So no one knows quite how many thoughts we have each day, but one recent and well-researched answer is seventy …