April 6, 2020 Passion Plays: I thirst He says ‘I thirst’ - we heard him up on the hill, outside the city wall. ‘I thirst!’ he cries …
April 3, 2020 Plans and possibilities They say God laughs at our plans, though I doubt she laughs now. So many plans of ours all rubble …
March 30, 2020 Solitude and loneliness: the difference I wrote this piece in 2011; different times indeed. But I sense it remains topical. Lets’s see… LADY GAGA dug …
March 27, 2020 No Man is an Island Strangely, perhaps as we self-isolate, we begin to remember that we are one. Some distant memory re-awakened, we may hear …
March 26, 2020 A meditation for anxious times These are dismantling times when anxiety runs free and in terror, we have a thousand demands. But sometimes we do …
March 23, 2020 Julian – and heroic self-isolation It is strange how contemporary the past can suddenly feel. I recently wrote a novel about a woman who self-isolated…for …
March 23, 2020 My Coronavirus survival kit I write about living these times. We are all experiencing crisis in different ways. Last week, I watched my livelihood, …
March 16, 2020 Hopeful imagination – a virus spirituality In 587 BC, the Babylonians assaulted Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. For the Israelites, it was the end of the …
February 25, 2020 And so to rest i’m taking a blogging rest for lent sometimes there’s just nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing to achieve sometimes …